The /node
endpoints are used to query for and interact with client nodes.
List Nodes
This endpoint lists all nodes registered with Nomad.
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /v1/nodes | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
YES | node:read |
(string: "")
- Specifies a string to filter nodes based on an ID prefix. Because the value is decoded to bytes, the prefix must have an even number of hexadecimal characters (0-9a-f). This is specified as a query string parameter.next_token
(string: "")
- This endpoint supports paging. Thenext_token
parameter accepts a string which identifies the next expected node. This value can be obtained from theX-Nomad-NextToken
header from the previous response.per_page
(int: 0)
- Specifies a maximum number of nodes to return for this request. If omitted, the response is not paginated. The value of theX-Nomad-NextToken
header of the last response can be used as thenext_token
of the next request to fetch additional pages.filter
(string: "")
- Specifies the expression used to filter the results. Consider using pagination or a query parameter to reduce resource used to serve the request.resources
(bool: false)
- Specifies whether or not to include theNodeResources
fields in the response.os
(bool: false)
- Specifies whether or not to include special attributes such as operating system name in the response.
Sample Request
$ curl \
$ curl \
$ curl \
Sample Response
"Address": "",
"Attributes": {
"": "ubuntu"
"CreateIndex": 6,
"Datacenter": "dc1",
"Drain": false,
"Drivers": {
"java": {
"Attributes": {
"": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-8u162-b12-1~deb9u1-b12)",
"": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode)",
"": "openjdk version \"1.8.0_162"
"Detected": true,
"HealthDescription": "",
"Healthy": true,
"UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.781948669Z"
"qemu": {
"Attributes": null,
"Detected": false,
"HealthDescription": "",
"Healthy": false,
"UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.7819898Z"
"rkt": {
"Attributes": {
"driver.rkt.appc.version": "0.8.11",
"driver.rkt.volumes.enabled": "1",
"driver.rkt.version": "1.29.0"
"Detected": true,
"HealthDescription": "Driver rkt is detected: true",
"Healthy": true,
"UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.81079772Z"
"docker": {
"Attributes": {
"driver.docker.bridge_ip": "",
"driver.docker.version": "18.03.0-ce",
"driver.docker.volumes.enabled": "1"
"Detected": true,
"HealthDescription": "Driver is available and responsive",
"Healthy": true,
"UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.713720323Z"
"exec": {
"Attributes": {},
"Detected": true,
"HealthDescription": "Driver exec is detected: true",
"Healthy": true,
"UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:34:48.711026521Z"
"raw_exec": {
"Attributes": {},
"Detected": true,
"HealthDescription": "",
"Healthy": true,
"UpdateTime": "2018-04-11T23:33:48.710448534Z"
"ID": "f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941",
"LastDrain": null,
"ModifyIndex": 2526,
"Name": "nomad-4",
"NodeClass": "",
"SchedulingEligibility": "eligible",
"Status": "ready",
"StatusDescription": "",
"Version": "0.8.0-rc1"
Read Node
This endpoint queries the status of a client node.
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /v1/node/:node_id | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
YES | node:read |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the ID of the node. This must be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of the path.
Sample Request
$ curl \
Sample Response
"Attributes": {
"consul.datacenter": "dc1",
"consul.revision": "d2adfc0bd",
"consul.server": "true",
"consul.version": "1.5.2",
"cpu.arch": "amd64",
"cpu.frequency": "4000",
"cpu.modelname": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz",
"cpu.numcores": "8",
"cpu.totalcompute": "32000",
"driver.docker": "1",
"driver.docker.bridge_ip": "",
"driver.docker.os_type": "linux",
"driver.docker.runtimes": "runc",
"driver.docker.version": "18.09.6",
"driver.docker.volumes.enabled": "true",
"driver.mock": "true",
"driver.mock_driver": "1",
"driver.raw_exec": "1",
"": "linux",
"kernel.version": "4.19.56",
"memory.totalbytes": "16571674624",
"nomad.advertise.address": "",
"nomad.revision": "30da2b8f6c3aa860113c9d313c695a05eff5bb97+CHANGES",
"nomad.version": "1.1.0",
"": "nixos",
"os.version": "\"19.03.173017.85f820d6e41 (Koi)\"",
"unique.cgroup.mountpoint": "/sys/fs/cgroup",
"": "mew",
"unique.hostname": "mew",
"": "",
"": "8273698816",
"": "8285835264",
"": "tmpfs"
"ComputedClass": "v1:390058673753570317",
"CreateIndex": 6,
"Datacenter": "dc1",
"Drain": false,
"DrainStrategy": null,
"Drivers": {
"docker": {
"Attributes": {
"driver.docker": "true",
"driver.docker.bridge_ip": "",
"driver.docker.os_type": "linux",
"driver.docker.runtimes": "runc",
"driver.docker.version": "18.09.6",
"driver.docker.volumes.enabled": "true"
"Detected": true,
"HealthDescription": "Healthy",
"Healthy": true,
"UpdateTime": "2019-08-26T12:22:50.762716458+02:00"
"exec": {
"Attributes": null,
"Detected": false,
"HealthDescription": "Driver must run as root",
"Healthy": false,
"UpdateTime": "2019-08-26T12:22:50.6873373+02:00"
"java": {
"Attributes": null,
"Detected": false,
"HealthDescription": "Driver must run as root",
"Healthy": false,
"UpdateTime": "2019-08-26T12:22:50.687274359+02:00"
"mock_driver": {
"Attributes": {
"driver.mock": "true"
"Detected": true,
"HealthDescription": "Healthy",
"Healthy": true,
"UpdateTime": "2019-08-26T12:22:50.687978919+02:00"
"qemu": {
"Attributes": null,
"Detected": false,
"HealthDescription": "",
"Healthy": false,
"UpdateTime": "2019-08-26T12:22:50.688023782+02:00"
"raw_exec": {
"Attributes": {
"driver.raw_exec": "true"
"Detected": true,
"HealthDescription": "Healthy",
"Healthy": true,
"UpdateTime": "2019-08-26T12:22:50.687733347+02:00"
"rkt": {
"Attributes": null,
"Detected": false,
"HealthDescription": "Driver must run as root",
"Healthy": false,
"UpdateTime": "2019-08-26T12:22:50.68796043+02:00"
"Events": [
"CreateIndex": 6,
"Details": null,
"Message": "Node registered",
"Subsystem": "Cluster",
"Timestamp": "2021-03-31T12:11:39Z"
"CreateIndex": 11,
"Details": null,
"Message": "Node drain strategy set",
"Subsystem": "Drain",
"Timestamp": "2021-03-31T12:12:20.213412Z"
"CreateIndex": 12,
"Details": null,
"Message": "Node drain complete",
"Subsystem": "Drain",
"Timestamp": "2021-03-31T12:12:20.213639Z"
"HTTPAddr": "",
"HostVolumes": {
"certificates": {
"Name": "certificates",
"Path": "/etc/ssl/certs",
"ReadOnly": true
"prod-mysql-a": {
"Name": "prod-mysql-a",
"Path": "/data/mysql",
"ReadOnly": false
"HostNetworks" : {
"public": {
"Name": "public",
"CIDR": "",
"ReservedPorts": "8080,8081"
"ID": "1ac61e33-a465-2ace-f63f-cffa1285e7eb",
"LastDrain": {
"AccessorID": "4e1b7ce1-f8aa-d7ff-09f1-55c3a0fd3988",
"Meta": {
"message": "node maintenance"
"StartedAt": "2021-03-31T12:12:20Z",
"Status": "complete",
"UpdatedAt": "2021-03-31T12:12:20Z"
"Links": {
"consul": "dc1.mew"
"Meta": {
"connect.log_level": "info",
"connect.sidecar_image": "envoyproxy/envoy:v1.11.1"
"ModifyIndex": 14,
"Name": "mew",
"NodeClass": "",
"NodeResources": {
"Cpu": {
"CpuShares": 32000
"Devices": [
"Attributes": {
"attrB": {
"Float": 10.5,
"Unit": "MW"
"attrA": {
"Int": 1024,
"Unit": "MB"
"Instances": [
"HealthDescription": "",
"Healthy": true,
"ID": "6a61929e-d572-092d-5921-156a913f8e56",
"Locality": {
"PciBusID": "77cda534-0660-2688-6c2e-ad6c62fc5ff3"
"Name": "modelA",
"Type": "skeleton",
"Vendor": "hashicorp"
"Attributes": {
"attrB": {
"Float": 10.5,
"Unit": "MW"
"attrA": {
"Int": 1024,
"Unit": "MB"
"Instances": [
"HealthDescription": "",
"Healthy": true,
"ID": "73af5d3e-00f9-0786-9bc1-8f5ffa953f15",
"Locality": {
"PciBusID": "dbda64d1-ad25-6c7c-d3fb-798bae0581bf"
"Name": "modelB",
"Type": "skeleton",
"Vendor": "hashicorp"
"Disk": {
"DiskMB": 7890
"Memory": {
"MemoryMB": 15803
"Networks": [
"CIDR": "",
"Device": "lo",
"DynamicPorts": null,
"IP": "",
"MBits": 1000,
"Mode": "",
"ReservedPorts": null
"CIDR": "::1/128",
"Device": "lo",
"DynamicPorts": null,
"IP": "::1",
"MBits": 1000,
"Mode": "",
"ReservedPorts": null
"NodeNetworks": [
"Addresses": [
"Address": "",
"Alias": "default",
"Family": "ipv4",
"Gateway": "",
"ReservedPorts": ""
"Device": "lo",
"MacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"Mode": "host"
"Reserved": {
"CPU": 0,
"Devices": null,
"DiskMB": 0,
"IOPS": 0,
"MemoryMB": 0,
"Networks": null
"ReservedResources": {
"Cpu": {
"CpuShares": 0
"Disk": {
"DiskMB": 0
"Memory": {
"MemoryMB": 0
"Networks": {
"ReservedHostPorts": ""
"Resources": {
"CPU": 32000,
"Devices": null,
"DiskMB": 7890,
"IOPS": 0,
"MemoryMB": 15803,
"Networks": [
"CIDR": "",
"Device": "lo",
"DynamicPorts": null,
"IP": "",
"MBits": 1000,
"Mode": "",
"ReservedPorts": null
"CIDR": "::1/128",
"Device": "lo",
"DynamicPorts": null,
"IP": "::1",
"MBits": 1000,
"Mode": "",
"ReservedPorts": null
"SchedulingEligibility": "eligible",
"SecretID": "",
"Status": "ready",
"StatusDescription": "",
"StatusUpdatedAt": 1566814982,
"TLSEnabled": false
List Node Allocations
This endpoint lists all of the allocations for the given node. This can be used to determine what allocations have been scheduled on the node, their current status, and the values of dynamically assigned resources, like ports.
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /v1/node/:node_id/allocations | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
YES | node:read,namespace:read-job |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of the path.
Sample Request
$ curl \
Sample Response
"AllocModifyIndex": 2555,
"ClientDescription": "",
"ClientStatus": "running",
"CreateIndex": 2555,
"CreateTime": 1523490066575461000,
"DeploymentID": "",
"DeploymentStatus": {
"Healthy": true,
"ModifyIndex": 0
"DesiredDescription": "",
"DesiredStatus": "run",
"DesiredTransition": {
"Migrate": null
"EvalID": "5129bc74-9785-c39a-08da-bddc8aa778b1",
"FollowupEvalID": "",
"ID": "fefe81d0-08b2-4eca-fae6-6560cde46d31",
"Job": {
"AllAtOnce": false,
"Constraints": null,
"CreateIndex": 2553,
"Datacenters": ["dc1"],
"ID": "webapp",
"JobModifyIndex": 2553,
"Meta": null,
"ModifyIndex": 2554,
"Name": "webapp",
"Namespace": "default",
"ParameterizedJob": null,
"ParentID": "",
"Payload": null,
"Periodic": null,
"Priority": 50,
"Region": "global",
"Stable": false,
"Status": "pending",
"StatusDescription": "",
"Stop": false,
"SubmitTime": 1523490066563405000,
"TaskGroups": [
"Constraints": null,
"Count": 9,
"EphemeralDisk": {
"Migrate": false,
"SizeMB": 300,
"Sticky": false
"Meta": null,
"Migrate": {
"HealthCheck": "checks",
"HealthyDeadline": 300000000000,
"MaxParallel": 2,
"MinHealthyTime": 15000000000
"Name": "webapp",
"ReschedulePolicy": {
"Attempts": 0,
"Delay": 30000000000,
"DelayFunction": "exponential",
"Interval": 0,
"MaxDelay": 3600000000000,
"Unlimited": true
"RestartPolicy": {
"Attempts": 2,
"Delay": 15000000000,
"Interval": 1800000000000,
"Mode": "fail"
"Tasks": [
"Artifacts": null,
"Config": {
"args": ["-text", "ok4"],
"image": "hashicorp/http-echo:0.2.3",
"port_map": [
"http": 5678
"Constraints": null,
"DispatchPayload": null,
"Driver": "docker",
"Env": null,
"KillSignal": "",
"KillTimeout": 5000000000,
"Leader": false,
"LogConfig": {
"MaxFileSizeMB": 10,
"MaxFiles": 10
"Meta": null,
"Name": "webapp",
"Resources": {
"CPU": 100,
"DiskMB": 0,
"MemoryMB": 300,
"Networks": [
"CIDR": "",
"Device": "",
"DynamicPorts": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 0
"IP": "",
"MBits": 10,
"ReservedPorts": null
"Services": [
"AddressMode": "auto",
"Checks": [
"AddressMode": "",
"Args": null,
"CheckRestart": null,
"Command": "",
"Header": null,
"InitialStatus": "",
"Interval": 10000000000,
"Method": "",
"Name": "http-ok",
"Path": "/",
"PortLabel": "",
"Protocol": "",
"TLSSkipVerify": false,
"Timeout": 2000000000,
"Type": "http"
"Name": "webapp",
"PortLabel": "http",
"Tags": null
"ShutdownDelay": 0,
"Templates": null,
"User": "",
"Vault": null
"Update": null
"Type": "service",
"Update": {
"AutoRevert": false,
"Canary": 0,
"HealthCheck": "",
"HealthyDeadline": 0,
"MaxParallel": 0,
"MinHealthyTime": 0,
"Stagger": 0
"VaultToken": "",
"Version": 0
"JobID": "webapp",
"Metrics": {
"AllocationTime": 63337,
"ClassExhausted": null,
"ClassFiltered": null,
"CoalescedFailures": 0,
"ConstraintFiltered": null,
"DimensionExhausted": null,
"NodesAvailable": {
"dc1": 2
"NodesEvaluated": 2,
"NodesExhausted": 0,
"NodesFiltered": 0,
"QuotaExhausted": null,
"Scores": {
"46f1c6c4-a0e5-21f6-fd5c-d76c3d84e806.binpack": 2.6950883117541586,
"f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941.binpack": 2.6950883117541586
"ModifyIndex": 2567,
"ModifyTime": 1523490089807324000,
"Name": "webapp.webapp[0]",
"Namespace": "default",
"NextAllocation": "",
"NodeID": "f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941",
"PreviousAllocation": "",
"RescheduleTracker": null,
"Resources": {
"CPU": 100,
"DiskMB": 300,
"MemoryMB": 300,
"Networks": [
"CIDR": "",
"Device": "eth0",
"DynamicPorts": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 25920
"IP": "",
"MBits": 10,
"ReservedPorts": null
"SharedResources": {
"CPU": 0,
"DiskMB": 300,
"MemoryMB": 0,
"Networks": null
"TaskGroup": "webapp",
"TaskResources": {
"webapp": {
"CPU": 100,
"DiskMB": 0,
"MemoryMB": 300,
"Networks": [
"CIDR": "",
"Device": "eth0",
"DynamicPorts": [
"Label": "http",
"Value": 25920
"IP": "",
"MBits": 10,
"ReservedPorts": null
"TaskStates": {
"webapp": {
"Events": [
"Details": {},
"DiskLimit": 0,
"DisplayMessage": "Task received by client",
"DownloadError": "",
"DriverError": "",
"DriverMessage": "",
"ExitCode": 0,
"FailedSibling": "",
"FailsTask": false,
"GenericSource": "",
"KillError": "",
"KillReason": "",
"KillTimeout": 0,
"Message": "",
"RestartReason": "",
"SetupError": "",
"Signal": 0,
"StartDelay": 0,
"TaskSignal": "",
"TaskSignalReason": "",
"Time": 1523490066712543500,
"Type": "Received",
"ValidationError": "",
"VaultError": ""
"Details": {
"message": "Building Task Directory"
"DiskLimit": 0,
"DisplayMessage": "Building Task Directory",
"DownloadError": "",
"DriverError": "",
"DriverMessage": "",
"ExitCode": 0,
"FailedSibling": "",
"FailsTask": false,
"GenericSource": "",
"KillError": "",
"KillReason": "",
"KillTimeout": 0,
"Message": "Building Task Directory",
"RestartReason": "",
"SetupError": "",
"Signal": 0,
"StartDelay": 0,
"TaskSignal": "",
"TaskSignalReason": "",
"Time": 1523490066715208000,
"Type": "Task Setup",
"ValidationError": "",
"VaultError": ""
"Details": {},
"DiskLimit": 0,
"DisplayMessage": "Task started by client",
"DownloadError": "",
"DriverError": "",
"DriverMessage": "",
"ExitCode": 0,
"FailedSibling": "",
"FailsTask": false,
"GenericSource": "",
"KillError": "",
"KillReason": "",
"KillTimeout": 0,
"Message": "",
"RestartReason": "",
"SetupError": "",
"Signal": 0,
"StartDelay": 0,
"TaskSignal": "",
"TaskSignalReason": "",
"Time": 1523490068433051100,
"Type": "Started",
"ValidationError": "",
"VaultError": ""
"Failed": false,
"FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"LastRestart": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Restarts": 0,
"StartedAt": "2018-04-11T23:41:08.445128764Z",
"State": "running"
Create Node Evaluation
This endpoint creates a new evaluation for the given node. This can be used to force a run of the scheduling logic.
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /v1/node/:node_id/evaluate | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | node:write |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of the path.
Sample Request
$ curl \
Sample Response
"EvalCreateIndex": 3671,
"EvalIDs": ["4dfc2db7-b481-c53b-3072-14479aa44be3"],
"HeartbeatTTL": 0,
"Index": 3671,
"KnownLeader": false,
"LastContact": 0,
"LeaderRPCAddr": "",
"NodeModifyIndex": 0,
"NumNodes": 3,
"Servers": [
"Datacenter": "dc1",
"RPCAdvertiseAddr": "",
"RPCMajorVersion": 1,
"RPCMinorVersion": 1
"Datacenter": "dc1",
"RPCAdvertiseAddr": "",
"RPCMajorVersion": 1,
"RPCMinorVersion": 1
"Datacenter": "dc1",
"RPCAdvertiseAddr": "",
"RPCMajorVersion": 1,
"RPCMinorVersion": 1
Drain Node
This endpoint toggles the drain mode of the node. When draining is enabled, no further allocations will be assigned to this node, and existing allocations will be migrated to new nodes. See the Workload Migration Guide for suggested usage.
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /v1/node/:node_id/drain | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | node:write |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of the path.DrainSpec
(object: <optional>)
- Specifies if drain mode should be enabled. A missing or null value disables an existing drain.Deadline
(int: <required>)
- Specifies how long to wait in nanoseconds for allocations to finish migrating before they are force stopped. This is also how long batch jobs are given to complete before being migrated.IgnoreSystemJobs
(bool: false)
- Specifies whether or not to stop system jobs as part of a drain. By default system jobs will be stopped after all other allocations have migrated or the deadline is reached. Setting this totrue
means system jobs are always left running.
(bool: false)
- Specifies whether to mark a node as eligible for scheduling again when disabling a drain.Meta
(json: <optional>)
- A JSON map of strings with drain operation metadata that will be persisted in.LastDrain.Meta
Sample Payload
"DrainSpec": {
"Deadline": 3600000000000,
"IgnoreSystemJobs": true
"Meta": {
"message": "drain for maintenance"
Sample Request
$ curl \
--data @drain.json \
Sample Response
"EvalCreateIndex": 0,
"EvalIDs": null,
"Index": 3742,
"NodeModifyIndex": 3742
Purge Node
This endpoint purges a node from the system. Nodes can still join the cluster if they are alive.
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /v1/node/:node_id/purge | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | node:write |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of the path.
Sample Request
$ curl \
-XPOST http://localhost:4646/v1/node/f7476465-4d6e-c0de-26d0-e383c49be941/purge
Sample Response
"EvalCreateIndex": 3817,
"EvalIDs": ["71bad787-5ab1-9939-be02-4809441583cd"],
"HeartbeatTTL": 0,
"Index": 3816,
"KnownLeader": false,
"LastContact": 0,
"LeaderRPCAddr": "",
"NodeModifyIndex": 3816,
"NumNodes": 0,
"Servers": null
Toggle Node Eligibility
This endpoint toggles the scheduling eligibility of the node.
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /v1/node/:node_id/eligibility | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | node:write |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the UUID of the node. This must be the full UUID, not the short 8-character one. This is specified as part of the path.Eligibility
(string: <required>)
- Eithereligible
Sample Payload
"Eligibility": "ineligible"
Sample Request
$ curl \
--data @eligibility.json \
Sample Response
"EvalCreateIndex": 0,
"EvalIDs": null,
"Index": 3742,
"NodeModifyIndex": 3742
Field Reference
Events - A list of the last 10 node events for this node. A node event is a high level concept of noteworthy events for a node.
Each node event has the following fields:
- The specific message for the event, detailing what occurred.Subsystem
- The subsystem where the node event took place. Subsystems include:Details
- Any further details about the event, formatted as a key/value pair.Timestamp
- Each node event has an ISO 8601 timestamp.CreateIndex
- The Raft index at which the event was committed.