External tools provide additional capabilities and use cases to Nomad. They are installed separately from Nomad itself and can sometimes be deployed as a Nomad job in your cluster.
HashiCorp-Maintained Tools
The following external tools are currently available for Nomad and maintained by HashiCorp:
- Autoscaling - HashiCorp's official Nomad Autoscaler. Supports scaling allocations within Nomad and scaling nodes on AWS, Azure, GCP, or arbitrary infrastructure via plugins.
- Damon - A terminal dashboard for Nomad.
- Levant - A templating and deployment tool for HashiCorp Nomad jobs that provides realtime feedback and detailed failure messages upon deployment issues.
- Nomad Pack - An official package manager and templating tool for Nomad, currently a Tech Preview.
- Nomad Pack GitHub Action - A GitHub Action for Nomad Pack.
Community Tools
The following external tools are currently available for Nomad and maintained by members of the Nomad Community:
- Caravan - Caravan is a tool to deploy and configure Nomad, Consul and Vault to AWS, Azure, or GCP, all with a single script.
- Chaotic - A Chaos Engineering tool to stop allocations, reboot or stop/start virtual machines in your cloud environment
- Deadman Check - A monitoring companion for Nomad periodic jobs that alerts if periodic isn't running at the expected interval
- Hashi Up - A utility to install Nomad on remote Linux hosts
- HashiBox - Vagrant environment to simulate a highly-available cloud with Consul, Vault, and Nomad.
- Jenkins Nomad Cloud Plugin - A Jenkins plugin using Nomad to provision build workers
- Kreconciler - A library to build control-loops for things on Nomad (or other schedulers)
- Nelson - A tool for automated, multi-region container deployment using Nomad
- Node Problem Detector - A tool used to detect problems on Nomad nodes based on user-defined health checks
- Nomad Admission Control Proxy - A Nomad Proxy that mutates and validates job data on the fly via embedded OPA rules or remote webhooks.
- Nomadctx - A faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in nomad
- Nomad deploy result action - A Github action to monitor deployment results
- Nomad events sink - An events collection agent which processes Nomad Events and dumps to external sink providers like HTTP
- Nomad External DNS - Set external DNS records for Nomad services
- Nomad Firehose - A tool to enable teams to quickly build logic around nomad task events without hooking into Nomad API
- Nomad Helper - A Nomad helper binary. Reevaluate jobs, force garbage collection, drain nodes, export/import count information
- Nomad Monitoring - Collection of jobspecs and Grafana dashboards for end to end monitoring of Nomad clusters
- Nomad Ops - A simple operator for Nomad which reconciles the running jobs in comparison to git repos
- Nomad Pipeline - A tool to make running pipeline-style workloads on Nomad
- Nomad Port Forward - A tool for forwarding ports from a Nomad job to your local machine
- Nomad Toast - A tool for receiving notifications based on HashiCorp Nomad events
- Nomad Tools - Set of tools and utilities to ease interacting with HashiCorp Nomad scheduling solution.
- Nomad Vector Logger - A daemon which continuously watches jobs running in a Nomad cluster and templates out a Vector configuration file which can be used to collect application logs enriched with Nomad metadata.
- Nomad Watcher - A simple service that watches Nomad's nodes, jobs, deployments, evaluations, allocations, and task states, and writes the events to a file
- Nomadgen - Craft your Hashicorp's Nomad job specs in python.
- Nomadctld - An ssh server that sits between users and the nomad cluster allowing for limited access to your nomad cluster and allow them to attach, see logs, tail logs, stop, restart, exec containers they own on the cluster
- Nomad-spk - A tool to install nomad into a Synology NAS
- Wander - A terminal application for Nomad by HashiCorp