Terraform ServiceNow Service Catalog Integration Developer Reference
The Terraform ServiceNow integration can be customized by ServiceNow developers using the information found in this document.
Terraform Variables and ServiceNow Variable Sets
ServiceNow has the concept of a Variable Set which is a collection of ServiceNow
Variables that can be referenced in a Flow from a Service Catalog item. The
Terraform Integration codebase can create Terraform Variables and Terraform
Environment Variables via the API using the
This function looks for variables following these conventions:
ServiceNow Variable Name | Terraform Cloud Variable |
tf_var_VARIABLE_NAME | Terraform Variable: VARIABLE_NAME |
tf_env_ENV_NAME | Environment Variable: ENV_NAME |
sensitive_tf_var_VARIABLE_NAME | Sensitive Terraform Variable (Write Only): VARIABLE_NAME |
sensitive_tf_env_ENV_NAME | Sensitive Environment Variable (Write Only): ENV_NAME |
This function takes the ServiceNow Variable Set and Terraform Cloud workspace ID. It will loop through the given variable set collection and create any necessary Terraform variables or environment variables in the workspace.
Customizing with ServiceNow "Script Includes" Libraries
The Terraform/ServiceNow Integration codebase includes ServiceNow Script Includes Classes that are used to interface with Terraform Cloud. The codebase also includes example catalog items and flows that implement the interface to the Terraform Cloud API.
These classes and examples can be used to help create ServiceNow Catalog Items customized to your specific ServiceNow instance and requirements.
Script Include Classes
The ServiceNow Script Include Classes can be found in the ServiceNow Studio > Server Development > Script Include.
Class Name | Description |
tf_config | Helper to pull values from the SN Terraform Configs Table |
tf_get_workspace | Client-callable script to retrieve workspace data |
tf_http | ServiceNow HTTP REST wrapper for requests to the Terraform API |
tf_run | Resources for Terraform run API requests |
tf_terraform_record | Manage ServiceNow Terraform Table Records |
tf_test_config | Client-callable script to test Teraform connectivity |
tf_util | Miscellaneous helper functions |
tf_variable | Resources for Terraform variable API Requests |
tf_vcs_record | Manage ServiceNow Terraform VCS repositories table records |
tf_workspace | Resources for Terraform workspace API requests |
Example Service Catalog Flows and Actions
The ServiceNow Service Catalog for Terraform provides sample catalog items that use Flows and Workflows as their primary process engines. Flows are a newer solution developed by ServiceNow and are generally preferred over Workflows. To see which engine an item is using, open it in the edit mode and navigate to the Process Engine tab. For example, Create Workspace uses a Workflow, whereas Create Workspace Flow is built upon a Flow. You can access both in the Studio. You can also manage Flows in the Flow Designer. To manage Workflows, navigate to All > Workflow Editor.
You can find the ServiceNow Example Flows for Terraform in the ServiceNow Studio > Flows (or All > Flow Designer). Search for items that belong to the Terraform application. By default, Flows execute when someone submits an order request for a catalog item based on a Flow. Admins can customize the Flows and Actions to add approval flows, set approval rules based on certain conditions, and configure multiple users or roles as approvers for specific catalog items.
Flow Name | Description |
Create Workspace | Creates a new Terraform Cloud workspace from VCS repository. |
Create Workspace with Vars | Creates a new Terraform Cloud workspace from VCS repository and creates any variables provided. |
Create Run | Creates/queues a new run on the Terraform Cloud workspace. |
Apply Run | Applies a run on the Terraform Cloud workspace. |
Provision Resources | Creates a Terraform Cloud workspace (with auto-apply), creates/queues a run, applies the run when ready. |
Provision Resources with Vars | Creates a Terraform Cloud workspace (with auto-apply), creates any variables, creates/queues a run, applies the run when ready. |
Delete Workspace | Creates a destroy run plan. |
Worker Poll Run State | Polls the Terraform Cloud API for the current run state of a workspace. |
Worker Poll Apply Run | Polls the Terraform Cloud API and applies any pending Terraform runs. |
Worker Poll Destroy Workspace | Queries ServiceNow Terraform Records for resources marked is_destroyable , applies the destroy run to destroy resources, and deletes the corresponding Terraform workspace. |
Update Workspace | Updates Terraform Cloud workspace configurations, such as VCS repository, description, project, execution mode, and agent pool ID (if applicable). |
Update Workspace with Vars | Allows you to change details about the Terraform Cloud workspace configurations and attached variable values. |
Update Resources | Updates Terraform Cloud workspace details and starts a new Terraform run with these new values. |
Update Resources with Vars | Updates your existing Terraform Cloud workspace and its variables, then starts a Terraform run with these updated values. |
ServiceNow ACLs
Access control lists (ACLs) restrict user access to objects and operations based on permissions granted. This integration includes the following roles that can be used to manage various components.
Access Control Roles | Description |
x_terraform.config_user | Can manage the connection from the ServiceNow application to your Terraform Cloud organization. |
x_terraform.terraform_user | Can manage all of the Terraform resources created in ServiceNow. |
x_terraform.vcs_repositories_user | Can manage the VCS repositories available for catalog items to be ordered by end-users. |
For users who only need to order from the Terraform Catalog, we recommend
creating another role with read-only permissions for
to view the available repositories for ordering
infrastructure. Install the Terraform ServiceNow Service Catalog integration by
following the installation guide.